Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.5 Part 1 is really good!!!
Patch 6.5 Notes!! click here!!!
6.5 part 1 is Finally here after waiting four months!!!!
It’s the very last patch to end the year until 6.5 part 2 which will be released in mid-January 2024. What a crazy year to end it with something I wasn’t expecting it.
Here are my thoughts on Patch 6.5 Part1
I won’t spoil it!! but I will spoil it in my The Road 6.5 part 2 series at the end of the year to review “Stay Tune”!!!!
MSQ Patch 6.5 (Growing Light – Part 1)
Tbh I was too excited to see if my predictions from my last post were True. And to be frank all to what I predicted was all wrong lol. Well, I knew they weren’t going in that direction but the whole climax wasn’t much of a big kaboom, but the reveal of Zero was a HolyShit WTF happen moment. Though Yoshi-P pretty much spoiled it for us on last year’s rising event. Even though at the time lol, Speculation was at an all-time high on 7.0. I still believe 6.5 MSQ has pretty much outdone itself on its dialogue since 6.1. Going back to Shadowbringers area made sense for the story to be connected to feel like the good old times meeting old friends. The Final battle wasn’t what I was expecting but it is okay if you love the story. What’s more important is the ending that will lead to 7.0.
MSQ Patch 6.5 The Lunar Subterrane
I would say it’s not hard but a very pretty good-looking dungeon. Just be careful about where you are standing on the first boss.
Alliance Raid Myths of the Realm Part 3 Thaleia
The very last part of Alliance Raids!!! I would say that Myths of the Realm has the best-looking background in any Alliance raid. The Story is the most heartfelt tear jerking story ever!!!
Please note this section is just a non-spoiler section. I will do an end-of-the-year review for FFXIV 6.3 -6.5 part 1.
So what’s Next!!??
I’m hoping that the ending that we all just saw will give us an inside look at what will happen to 7.0. We just need to wait another 2 ½ months after Japan FanFest. I’m also hoping some new information will come out on EU FanFest. That one will be this Saturday on the 21st of October.
Thank You for reading and have a good one Fellow Adventure!!!